Tag: Paris Climate Conference

Posts related to Paris Climate Conference

Paris climate conference electric vehicles

In the light of the 2015 Paris Climate Conference, the future of electric cars looks bright as governments are pressured to move towards zero-emission societies. Around 800 million cars will be active on the worlds today. At the rate our car industries are moving, this number is expected to rise to 2 billion.

As global consumption rates continue to rise, it seems difficult to imagine a way to stop the desire for vehicles as a mode of transport. So if you can’t stop them join them, right? Well that’s that’s exactly what electric car manufacturers are doing. Electric car adoption is a promising solution to the long term problem of carbon emissions from fossil fuel run vehicles.

As nations gather to discuss solutions to lessen carbon emissions globally, electric vehicles play a central role in solving one of the biggest sources of pollution – vehicles. At this year’s Paris Climate Conference the Renault-Nissan Alliance have pioneered the advocacy of electric [...]

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