Tag: Toyota

Posts related to Toyota

toyota i-Road

The Toyota i-Road is an electric vehicle combining the best aspects of cars and motorbikes into one futuristic (and fun) model.

The idea of the vehicle was developed by combining the convenience of a motorbikes compact size, and the safety and stability of a car.

The small size makes it easy to zip around cities and to park in confined spaces, at just 870mm wide and weighing a mere 300 kg.

However unlike a motorbike, there is no fear of getting wet in the rain or being easily injured, thanks to the enclosed comfort and body construction similar to a car.

This electric vehicle has zero C02 emissions, making is extremely environmentally friendly. It is powered by lithium-ion batteries that can withstand about 50km of travel on the one charge, based on a speed of 30km per hour.

The driving experience is unique as drivers have the enjoyment of two-wheeler riding, a small turning circle [...]

img-4The Toyota Camry and the Honda Civic, the top-selling mid-size and compact cars in the U.S., face risks of reduced production as inventories of the models rise, an RBC Capital Markets report said.

Toyota’s Camry exceeded its seasonal historical average inventory by more than 15 days supply in June and Honda carried about 25 days more Civics than usual, Joseph Spak, a New York-based analyst for RBC, said in today’s report. Camry and Civic were the only models identified as at risk for reduced output among 16 of the top-selling vehicles in the U.S. market. General Motors Co., Ford Motor Co. and Chrysler Group LLC all added U.S. market share in the first six months of 2013, the first time that all three gained first-half share in 20 years. Models such as GM’s Chevrolet Cruze compact and Ford’s Fusion mid-size sedan, leading Detroit’s most competitive set [...]

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