Author Archive: Tessa Romarez

Author Archives for Tessa Romarez

About Tessa Romarez

Tessa’s passion for blogging, long-standing experience and perpetual desire for growth are touchstones that make her one of the best contributor and content marketer on a variety of websites around the world.

Has proved to be a seasoned blogger who delights in writing exceptional pieces on health and fitness, technology and renewable energy. Her experience and knowledge in these niches are intertwined and she uses it to add value to her global fan base.

Electric Cars

A recent survey revealed that a majority of New Zealanders, about 85%, would choose to buy electric cars if their prices are equal to cars run by petrol.

The results of the Pulse Survey entitled “Energy for Life” strongly indicated that the citizens of New Zealand are ready to fully embrace electric vehicles.

Most of the survey respondents said that if the electric cars are made available at reasonable prices, the uptake in the country could be the same as what would happen across the planet, which is expected to be very high.

The results of the survey may take vehicle manufacturers by surprise since only around 15% of the respondents said they will stick with petrol cars, even if electric vehicles are equally priced.

This result is quite interesting considering that most New Zealanders are unaware that the cost of electricity used for transportation is lower than that of petrol. About 64% of the [...]

electric car

Carlos Ghosn, head of Renault Nissan Alliance, has announced at Detroit’s North American International Automobile Show that all of the new generation LEAF electric vehicle units will be equipped with a range that’s comparable to Bolt concept car of GM.

It might even exceed the projected range of 200 miles. He added that Alliance has sold more than 200,000 electric cars to other countries in 2014.

If one will check the United States market, sales of electric vehicles are steadily on the rise. Figures are up by 58 percent in 2014, with most sales done at the second half. This is happening despite a reduction in crude oil prices. .

Many non-believers predict an eventual negative impact to electric vehicle sales, affecting the progress of its development and use.

People in favour of this electric evolution are happy with the rising EV sales happening, but they are still wondering why the low oil prices don’t [...]

electric cars
The gasoline engine is perhaps the most significant factor why the electric car revolution suffers delay.

Car manufacturers still equipping their vehicles with internal combustion engines (I.C.E.s) are doing everything to improve the fuel burning efficiency of their gas guzzlers.

With gasoline and diesel engines improving their emission efficiencies, it makes it harder for electric cars to compete on prices. In this scenario, Exxon Mobil, voiced out its doubt on whether cheaper electric cars will make much headway for the next two decades.

Facing the facts though will present a more realistic picture of gas guzzlers vis a vis electric vehicles. Many car industry insiders believe that cars powered by I.C.E.s are already on their way out.

According to Rod Lache, an analyst connected with Deutsche Bank, the cost of gasoline and electric cars will equal out in the next 10 years. Cheaper electric cars could even be possible, says Lache, that would “serve as [...]

Tesla Model X
The Tesla Model X may take a while before it hits the roads but the world can have a glimpse on what it can offer.

Most car industry insiders know that this car will share a platform with Tesla’s current Model S sedan. It will also be fitted with roof-hinged falcon doors which will give it a virile and robust look.

But most car enthusiasts won’t suspect that the Tesla Model X has a secret, and a good one at that: the car is equipped with enough power that it can tow another vehicle.

This battery electric vehicle will be available with a factory-installed hitch. It is going to be the first time this is done for a car in this class. Most other electric cars are offered aftermarket hitch kits.

When Tesla Motors informed car reservation holders listed on the Tesla Motors Club forum (through Clean Technica) about the car model’s production delay, the [...]

Buying Electric Vehicles

Buying electric vehicles mean many things to American consumers these days. Eventually, it really is all about saving…that is, saving the environment. It is also about being able to help in lowering the emission of fuel to improve our world in creating a greener environment. It is also about helping alleviate global warming. All these are facilitated with the purchase of an electric vehicle, one that would not have to use fuel to make it run.

With that in mind, the question that is posed and that should be considered by consumers who wish to join the more-environment-friendly group is this, ‘Should you purchase solar panel first before purchasing an electric vehicle?’ Should you look at using solar power for your homes as you look at purchasing electric vehicles that would then be powered by the solar power installed at home?

With several studies and research done in several states, particularly in California, about the [...]

Solar Powered Cars

There are solar powered cars available in the market today but many of them are for public use such as solar powered buses and solar-assisted trains. However, a recurring trend is the pairing of a home solar power system and a plug-in electric vehicle.

Many homes in the United States, Australia, and the UK have started relying entirely on solar power. With sufficient photovoltaic (PV) panels installed on the roof a house can run entirely off the grid.

Then there are plug-in electric vehicle models such as the BMW i3. Most of these vehicles are not hybrids and instead rely solely on electric power sources. All a person has to do is plug them in, charge them overnight, and the car will be ready to drive the next day.

These electric vehicles are not just affordable in terms of gas usage but are also much safer for the environment due to their lack of carbon [...]


Now Hyundai Motor Company joins the green technology as it pushes its very first battery-powered electric car. This is set to be released on 2016. Hyundai, as it is known to be South Korea’s champion in fuel-cell cars comes up with its own creation of its electric car, geared to meet the green technology of the world.

As Hyundai is currently being geared at releasing fuel-cell cars, wherein the car’s engine turns hydrogen to electricity, this new addition of the battery-powered electric car is not really something new as its sister company, Kia, had already released a couple of EVs. This is in compliance to strict emission regulations set especially in the United States. With Kia, Hyundai’s development partner, focuses on releasing cars that allow the batteries to be recharged.

At the same time, more and more car manufacturers are joining in the move to green technology. BMW has is electric car released with i3. [...]

electric vehicles
Buying electric vehicles mean many things to American consumers these days. Eventually, it really is all about saving…that is, saving the environment.

It is also about being able to help in lowering the emission of fuel to improve our world in creating a greener environment. It is also about helping alleviate global warming. All these are facilitated with the purchase of an electric vehicle, one that would not have to use fuel to make it run.

With that in mind, the question that is posed and that should be considered by consumers who wish to join the more-environment-friendly group is this, ‘Should you purchase solar panel first before purchasing an electric vehicle?’ Should you look at using solar power for your homes as you look at purchasing electric vehicles that would then be powered by the solar power installed at home?

With several studies and research done in several states, particularly in California, about the [...]

fuel retailers

Woolworths Limited and Wesfarmers Limited who have been big players in the fuel retailing industry might need to view their current position in a different light. Now, with the existence of electric vehicles, there is certainly something different with their presence not just dominating the picture.

While there is an increase of 0.6% from 2014-2015 for the fuel retailers, in general, in terms of revenue, the appearance of new players who offer cheap and energy-efficient transportation would definitely put a dent to the current profit that they are experiencing.

Tesla, one of the new players, offering electric vehicles, are now joining the big league car manufacturers like Mitsubishi, Holden, Nissan, and BMW with their electric and hybrid cars being sold in the market. Not only will Tesla be selling electric vehicles, but they are also looking at including vehicle-charging stations.

The current situation with fuel retailers, taking for example, Coles, which is a subsidiary of [...]

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